Monthly statement
Monthly statement
Card statements are issued once a month. Statement/Closing Dates are different for
each card member, and statements are mailed after the Statement/Closing Date.
Payment is due by the payment due date noted on your statement. If you do not receive your statement, please notify service center immediately. You can also download through online account.
Please note : Payment date is the date in which the check or money order is received. Payments received on a weekend, holiday, or after 5:00pm CST will be posted on the next business day.
Payment Methods
Auto Pay (Automatic Bill Payment Service)
Auto Pay is an easy way to pay your monthly credit card bill - automatically through your checking account. Every month, on the payment due date shown on your credit card billing statement, your payment will be transferred from your chosen checking account to pay your credit card bill. If the due date falls on a weekend or banking holiday, your transfer will take place the next business day.
How to sign up
To sign up, download the enrollment form and send it to us with a voided check * from your checking account to the below address or fax no. A message on your monthly statement will notify you when your automatic payments will begin. You should continue to make regular payments until this message appears.
Send by Postal Mail
Auto Pay Department
P.O. Box 3331
Omaha, NE 68172-9934
Fax Number:1-402-938-5212
* "VOIDED CHECK" is a personal check that has been voided by writing "VOID" across the front of the check.
Online payment
Another recommended payment method is our fast and convenient online payment system. No need to write a check, you save postage, and you don't have to worry about your payment being lost or late in the mail.
Payment by check
For payment via check, please enclose your check and the upper portion of the dotted line of the statement in the return envelope enclosed with your monthly statement. Please make the check payable to JAL USA CARD and be sure to write your card account number on the check. We recommend you send your payment at least five business days prior to the payment due date.
Mailing Address
P.O.BOX 2557
Omaha, NE 68103-2557
Finance Charge
Finance Charge
A finance charge will be applied to the average daily balance of your purchase, cash advances, and any promotional balance. If your payment is late, or not for the entire balance due, the accrued finance charges will be billed on your next statement. Finance charges are not penalties, but are interest on funds paid on your behalf for merchandise or services received and that you have an obligation to pay for at a later date.
Other Charges
Foreign Transaction Fee
Cards applied for on or before October 14, 2024 (PST) will be subject to a 3% foreign transaction fee. Cards applied on or after October 15, 2024 (PST) will not be subject to a foreign transaction fee.
Late Fee
You'll be charged a late fee if you do not pay minimum balance by payment due date. Please refer to Cardmember Agreement for details.
Dishonored Payment Fee
You'll be charged a payment dishonored fee if a payment is returned unpaid by the bank due to lack of sufficient funds, or the bank account information is incorrected when you pay through online account.
See Cardmember Agreement for more information regading the fees listed above and other fees.
Disputed Charges
If you have a transaction appearing on your statement that you believe is an error
Fax Number: 1-402-938-7550
Mailing Address: Cardmember Services
P.O. Box 3696
Omaha, NE 68103-0696
* You may deduct the amount for a disputed item from your payment. However, we recommend paying in full to avoid accumulating finance charges if it turns out that you are responsible for the disputed item.
* Please make sure to follow up with the case on your own responsibility. Failure to respond to the inquiry from cardmember services may result in accepting the changes.
Confirm Payment and Balance
How to confirm payments and check your balance
You can confirm payment amount or check your balance via our 24 hour bilingual automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) line or through your online account.